Requesting help understanding post-chemo MRI report
My wife 36f IDC stage 3c (2.5 cm tumor in left breast + metastasis to lymph nodes in the left axilla + lymph node in the mammary basin) TNBC finished chemotherapy (Keynote-522 regimen) last week and got her bilateral MRI report earlier today. We were hoping for help in understanding the report. Thank you for your time.
- Signal void from marker clip in the left breast at 5 o'clock corresponds to known malignancy. Resolution of previously seen enhancing mass at this location.
- Interval normalization of abnormal morphology left axillary lymph nodes, one of which is known left axillary metastasis.
- Stable suspicious 0.8 cm lymph node along the third intercostal left internal mammary nodal basin.
- No evidence of malignancy in the right breast.
I agree that overall, the report shows a robust response to the therapy she has received. However, I think it is important to point out that there is still a "Stable suspicious 0.8 cm lymph node along the third intercostal left internal mammary nodal basin." Stable means it has neither grown or shrunk (significantly).
What are the plans moving forward - surgery, radiation? Because the cancer is TNBC, I would request the doctor get Next Gen Sequencing (genetic analysis of the tumor), either of the original, or better from that one remaining node if it comes out at surgery.
Jason Sager, MD